The Bioresonance Therapy
To perform energetic tests I use a Biocom Device. I love Dr M Ingrid B. Riedel’s explanation of how the device works and how I am able to use it on clients.
The Procedure
This procedure has its effects in the ultra range. With the application of the BICOM device a trend-setting development in the field of bioresonance has been generated.
This type of therapy is based on an invention by Dr. Franz Morell. This therapy, known since 1990 as MORA therapy, utilizes the endogenous vibrations of the individual patient.
That same system has been further developed by Prof. Dr. C. Smith from Salford University, England. Prof. Smith in cooperation with other physicians from London has detected in 12 years of research, that each human being has a specific spectrum of vibrations that can be utilized therapeutically.
Chemical processes of the body are controlled by electromagnetic vibrations. Many illnesses start with abnormal, disharmonious vibrations, which cause faulty controlling in chemical processes.
For a long time it is known that heart vibrations can be registered with an electro cardiogram (ECG), just as the brain waves, are recorded by the electro encephalogram (EEG).
A part from those distinctly measurable vibration patterns, differing widely from person to person, there are a lot of other body frequencies, whereby each organ shows its own endogenous electromagnetic vibration range. That whole range, however, can be captured and recorded only with great efforts.
If the organism has been already damaged (by malnutrition, stress or environmental pollutants, etc.) the body looses its balance.
Then the body is no longer able to resist the existing viruses and bacteria. All those harmful substances (viruses, bacteria + its toxic spectrum and heavy metals + other environmental pollutants) emit destructive vibrations.
They do not only have effects on the material level, but mainly on the energetic level, i.e. by their specific vibrations (Prof. Dr. Smith), which they emit. Biochemical regulating and controlling processes in the body are subject to a higher-ranking control mechanism. Control, metabolic processes, release of hormones, growth and metabolic processes are biochemically controlled and coordinated.
Whenever those subtle control procedures are influenced by abnormal vibrations of harmful substances, faulty control reactions and therefore malfunctions develop, which result in diseases. It was the idea of Dr. F. Morell to delete the abnormal vibrations, or at least to reduce them to such a degree, that the diseased organism is no longer impeded in its constant effort for restoration.
In this manner the tasks of the immune defense system are alleviated and the healing process strongly accelerated.
The Endogenous Resonance of the Patient
The BICOM device collects the vibrations via a cable, just like done with the ECG or EEG recording. For this operation various electrodes are suitable, for example hand or foot electrodes, and also rolling or flexible ones.
A biological filter in the equipment separates salutary vibrations from abnormal ones. The salutary ones are reinforced and/or returned as diminished, the pathological ones are electronically reversed and returned.
The produced counter vibrations have an impact in the body on the pathological ones, and delete them at best.
That is how faulty controlling is rectified.
The Treatment
The individual specific adjustment of the equipment is done by your doctor. Not always do you sense something. But a slight feeling of warmth, or a tingling or dragging may occur, especially on those spots in your body where there is something out of order.
Old focal lesions (old, not resolved inflammations), teeth or scarred tissue may start signaling. Therefore it is important to tell your observations, still during or after the therapy, to the doctor or the assistant, and/or - if it applies - to take notes of the symptoms which occur at home together with the corresponding time of occurrence and inform us in the following session. For example nasal hyper-reactivity or diarrhea may occur.
Without Harmful Side Effects
When bioresonance therapy is applied, there are good chances of success to get rid of pain, inflammations, allergies and all this sometimes even astonishingly fast. In case of long-time existing or profound changes healing processes get triggered.
One goal of the bioresonance therapy is to provide the body the proper impulses to help itself, or in other words, to activate the endogenous self-regulating forces.
The way this functions is similar to those of acupuncture and homeopathy. From those methods, too, no harmful side effects are known.
Treatment with BICOM Device
When treated with a BICOM device, no electric current is induced into your body. The electrodes in your palm only serve as antennae. Only your own vibrations, emitted from certain substances, can also be utilized, to test or neutralize abnormal signals in your body.
The released pollutants, which are ever more and more – a typical problem of our times – circulating in our body, have to be excreted as soon as possible after a treatment. The fastest way to do is via our kidneys, which are the most important filtration organ. Second to this is the intestinal egestion.
It is advisable to drink “receptive” water, that is water poor in minerals, immediately after the treatment. Receptive water is capable to absorb a lot of harmful metabolic wastes loosened by the therapy. We recommend you to drink also on the following days a minimum of 2 liters of pure water, and above all to shower oftener so that the toxins released via skin are removed.
Free of Toxins due to Systemic Therapy
If your body is filled with a lot of old waste material, it may happen, that the sudden release of all the toxins causes complaints. If your body is filled with old waste material, it may happen that a sudden release of such toxins causes complaints. This is called “initial worsening”, which demonstrates that your body reacts intensely.
Drinking a lot of water or – if your cardiovascular circulation permits it – undergoing a sauna session or taking a hot bath, all these actions assist you in healing those symptoms.
By no means should you take in alcohol a few hours after the treatment, other than such petty quantities that are contained in natural remedies (if this applies to you).
As all diseases are automatically accompanied by breaches in the processing of signals, bioresonance therapy is successfully applied in many disorders indicated.
The treatment with a BICOM device has to be repeated, depending on the specific case, even several times. The individual sessions may consist of two or more separate steps, what is determined by your health condition.
The therapy does not, however, replace your cooperation in the healing process.
Your role is to change your life style in a more positive direction.
For further details and explanations, I am happy to provide them to you before or after a treatment.
Book a 20 Minute Consultation
Let’s see how the Biocom Device can support your healing journey